Upgrade Subscription: Professional to Business

User wants to upgrade their subscription plan from Professional to Business, Mousiki provides an option to do this with ease.

Navigate to My Account > Profile > Subscription Tab, to see all subscription related details

Subscription details

click Select button below Business section

Business Select button

Click Confirm button in the Downgrade/Upgrade dialog

Confirm Button

Once clicked Confirm button, User will be redirected to Checkout Page with Invoice details, billing period, payment for details.


School Details section provides user to update the Business address for the generated invoice.

Billing Address Details section provides user to update the billing address for the generated invoice.

User able to see the saved cards for payments and also provides the option for adding new payment methods for upgrading the subscription.

Once payment succeeds, User will navigated to payment success screen.

Payment success screen

Now, User will be upgraded to Business plan and you can verify in subscription page

Business Plan

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