Send An Invite To Participants

Go to the "My Recitals" section on your dashboard.

Click on the current/upcoming recital you wish to manage.

Locate and click on the edit icon positioned at the bottom left corner of the recital details page.

Once redirected to the recital detailed page, find the "Pending Invites" section.

Under "Pending Invites," add the email addresses of individuals you'd like to invite. You can include as many email addresses as needed.

If applicable, use the options available to select the number of students from the same organization you wish to invite.

Click on the add icon (+) to initiate the invitation process and complete the addition of participants to your recital.

Enter the email addresses of the individuals you wish to include in the recitals.

Additionally, you have the option to specify the number of students from the same organization to be invited.

To send a recital invite to the selected participants, please click on the "Invite" button.

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