Edit Recital

You can edit your recitals by navigating to the My Recitals option in the main menu where you can view the list of recitals.

The user who created the recital, either the school administrator or the teacher, is the only one who can modify it.


Click on the edit icon located at the bottom left of the Recital view. You will be redirected to the Edit Recital form with the current information pre-populated.

Once you're on the recital details page, the user who created the recital can modify various aspects:

  • Recital Name: Update the name to reflect any changes.

  • Date and Time: Adjust the scheduled date and time if needed.

  • Location: Modify the venue or location details.


If you modify all of the recital information, the current information will be replaced with new information.

After making the necessary modifications, locate the "Save" button on the page and click on it. This ensures that your changes are applied to the recital.

Note: Address fields are auto-completed.

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