Edit One-on-One Schedule/Class

The school administrators can modify the existing schedule or a single class. The teacher can modify their schedules and request to modify the schedule of a class belonging to the organization they are linked to. Parents and students cannot modify their schedules but can only view the changes. If the parent or student would like to modify the schedule, they need to request the specific teacher or school associated with the scheduled class.

If a class in the calendar is clicked, the Actions List menu for the class will be shown. Click on the Edit Schedule option to open the Edit Schedule Form with the pre-populated information.

Note: If you modify an ongoing schedule by changing its timing or date, the changes will take place in the next class. If you are trying to modify a future schedule that hasn't started, the changes will be reflected immediately.

If you are not the owner of the schedule you wish to edit, you can request the owner and they can review and decide whether or not to reschedule the class. Once the owner approves your reschedule request, a new class with the requested time slot will be created. Subsequently, the old class will be removed from the calendar view.

Note: You can also drag and drop the existing class in the calendar to the new time slot.

The image above shows the original class scheduled on June 15th, Monday at 08:00 AM is requested for rescheduling at 09:00 AM. So the original class will be shown as strikes gradient and the new class will be white in color until the request is approved. Once the request is approved, the previously scheduled class will be hidden from the calendar view while only the new class will be shown.

Note: At the latest, you can reschedule a class 24 hours before the start time.

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