Add Recitals

Note: School administrators and teachers are allowed to create recitals.

To add a new recital to an organization, go to My Recitals in the main menu. You'll land on the My Recitals page showing existing Recitals.

If you want to add a new recital to the organization, select the "Add Recitals" button located in the top right corner of the Manage Recitals screen.

Add Recitals

You'll now be prompted to fill in details for the new recital:

Recital Name: See the names of your existing recitals.

Date and Time: View the scheduled dates and times of each recital.

Location: Identify the venue or location for each recital.

Once you've filled in the necessary information, find the "Save" button and click on it.

This action ensures that your new recital is added to your organization's schedule.

Upon successful submission, you should receive a confirmation message, and your new recital will now appear on the My Recitals page.

Now you're all set! Your organization's latest recital has been successfully added.

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